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A Bot to Answer All Your Questions about Taobao, Weidian and Shopping from China

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A ChatGPT-powered chatbot - the modern way to find information

One bot, one window, and you can ask it everything. Taobot has you covered, whether you are looking for answers regarding Taobao, Weidian, AliExpress, shopping agents or the international shipping process, customs declaration and more. No matter how you word the question, taobot and ChatGPT find the right answer.

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Our qualifications

We started publishing guides and free software tools in 2017, long before Pandabuy existed, when no one outside of China heard of Taobao. That's more than 5 years of experience.

Today we've published hundreds of guides and videos, and an array of groundbreaking software tools. Thousands of beginners bought there first items with our help. We haven't been bought by an agent, that's why we're trusted.

Knowledge Base

An answer to all questions

Our success is measured by one simple metric: Can we answer every single question? At times, this task seemed impossible. But by continously improving, checking the logs and answering every niche question, we've gotten very far. With improving software, our LLM will interweave the information and deliver new knowledge. We encourage you to engage with the chatbot and leave feedback.

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Available as a Discord Bot

Taobot is also available publicly as a disord bot, for free. Let taobot take care of repetitive beginner questions on your server and focus on what matters.

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My promise: If TaoBot doesn't have an answer for you, I will personally answer your question on Discord!

From the founder of

RepArchive was created in 2017 to provide an organized way to browse items from Taobao. It's always been a technology leader, prevailing against multiple replicas by always being one step ahead.

Over the years RepArchive expanded to include guides and blog posts, the idea was to combine everything regarding rep shopping on one single website. takes this to the next level: Instead of one website it's now one single chat window.

Our biggest pride is our reputation and the trust we've built. We've always been above free sneakers and paid reviews, instead building everything on the foundation of trust, transparency, and equal inclusion, instead of siding with one agent or seller. And time has shown we were right.

In a public survey we've been described by a majority as "the top experts in the scene", a "leading technical innovator", praised for our well researched, trustworthy content and responsible monetization.

RepArchive Homepage
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Disclaimer: is not an official, or offer and not affiliated with those sites. No warranty for correctness of information. This is not to be interpreted as advising you.

Advertisement transparency: All shopping agent (,,, or links are affiliate links for agents. The links may embedded in images. *-tagged links are affiliate links too. We do not get a commission for the sale of the item, only for their function as a freight forwarder.

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